One large aubergine
One bell pepper
Any other veg you like
4 medium sized, firm potatoes
One can coconut milk*
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
Herbs & spices
Heat the oven to 225 degrees Celsius.
Grease an over proof dish with the butter.
Slice the aubergine about half a centimetre thick slices.
Line the bottom of the dish with aubergine (about two layers).
Sprinkle with salt pepper and herbs &spices.
(My favourite herbs for this dish are rosemary and chives, spices; paprika and chilli)
Add a few teaspoons of coconut milk (or cream).
Cut the bell pepper in half (and de-seed). Slice half of it and add on top of the aubergine.
Slice any other veg and add at this point, repeating the salt, pepper, herb and coconut step.
Slice up potatoes, about half a centimetre thick slices.
Cover the veg with a layer of potatoes.
Add salt, pepper and a few teaspoons of coconut. (to taste)
Repeat until all the potato has been used (three or four layers)
Roughly chop the other half of the bell pepper and scatter on the top.
Drizzle olive oil over the top (about a table spoon)
Bake in the upper middle of the oven, for 30 - 45 minutes (to taste... I like mine very well done)
For Beef and Potato bake, or Beef & Veg Potato bake.
Brown 400g of minced beef and add to an oven proof dish.
Add three or four teaspoons of coconut water,
Season to taste.
Add the veg then potato slices or just potato slices.
Bake as above.
*I use Santa Maria full fat coconut milk. It separates into a solid at the top and a water at the bottom of the can. I use the thick solid stuff from the top as a cream and the water from the bottom instead of water.
I don't like the consistency or the taste of reduced fat coconut milk, so I've never tried it in this recipe, but I'm sure it would work if you wanted to cut down the fat content. :D